SQL Server usergroup – Feb meeting

The Feb meeting wll be held Tuesday the 17th Feb at 18h30 at the Microsoft offices in Bryanston.

Inus du Preez will be presenting a session “6 reasons why SQL Server 2008 must run on Windows Server 2008”

Inus will be covering improvements in Server 2008 such as network throughput, memory swapping, drive addressing and stability and why they make Server 2008 such a compelling platform for running SQL 2008 on.

He’s also going to look at running SQL under Hyper-V and under the Core installation.

As always, please RSVP by replying to this post, or replying to the thread on SADeveloper.


  1. Thinus

    my RSVP…

  2. Donovan WHite

    See you there.

  3. Kevin

    Hi, would like to attend the March 2009 SQL Server usergroup, can anyone give me a date ?

  4. Gail

    Unless something comes up, it’ll be the third tuesday of March. Will know closer to the time when Paul and I have chatted, organised a speaker and a venue

  5. Nick Rowan

    Hopefully it isn’t too late to RSVP but I’d like to attend.

  6. Donovan White

    Hi there, will not be able to make tonights Session.

    Would like to attend the March SQL Server Usergroup though!


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