SA SQL Usergroup June meeting

The June meeting of the South African SQL Server Usergroup will be held Tue 23 June, 18h30 at the Microsoft Offices in Bryanston, 3012 Willam Nicol Drive. The meeting is a week later than usual due to the public holiday on the 16th. This month Mark Stacey will be talking about Service Broker

Please let me know if you’re coming, I need numbers for catering purposes.

Look forward to seeing you there.


  1. Kevin

    Will be there

  2. VBindra

    I will be there.

  3. Thinus

    Very interesting presentation. Where can I get the code for the first demo? Thanks!

  4. Gail

    As soon as Mark sends me the presentation and demos (and he’s promised to do so) I’ll upload them

    I suspect he wants to work some bugs out first.

  5. Thinus

    🙂 TX

  6. Stephen

    How do we go about joining the User Group?

  7. Gail

    Come to a meeting.

    I’ll announce the July meeting in a week or so, once I know who’s presenting on what.


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