Pass Summit 2015

It’s two weeks until Pass Summit 2015!

It feels a little weird this year, it’s the first year in quite some time where I’m not presenting in Seattle. The reason for that’s pretty simple, I didn’t submit any abstracts. It still feels strange to be going as an attendee, to be able to pick and chose sessions as I like, rather than having to work around the slots that I have to speak in, and to be able to spend time just wandering around the conference rather than rushing from place to place as is usual.

Still, that gives me a good opportunity to attend sessions I’m interested in. Looking over the schedule, my 5 must-attend sessions are (in no particular order)

Plus the keynote with Dr DeWitt and Dr Nehme is an event not to be missed!

Of course, there aren’t just the sessions. There’s the Birds of a Feather lunch, the Women in IT lunch, the SQL Clinic and the CAT team to ask difficult questions of, and the hundreds and thousands of ad-hoc conversations in the corridors, many of which may be more interesting than the sessions themselves. Not to mention the multitude of parties and events in the evenings.

Oh, and there will be Crazy Hat day as well. For those who don’t know what I’m taking about, it’s Argenis Without Borders, version 2. Please donate if you can, I really want to see Argenis dancing to music from a trombone.

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