TechEd 2008

TechEd 2008 – Wednesday

And so it’s all over for another year. Time to pack up, travel home and tomorrow, go back to the office. It’s been a great conference. I know there was a lot of concern about the new venue and there were a few teething problems, but overall, I think it was a very good event.

There were only two sessions this morning. I started off with a deep and very technical look at the data mining algorithms in SQL 2005. I understood some of it, but I need to brush up on my statistics.

For the second session of the day, Peter Willmot and I ran a session on basic SQL security concepts for the architects and developers. It seemed well received and it was very well attended for the last session of TechEd.


SQL Server 2008 is here!

SQL Server 2008 RTMs today, 6 August 2008. The announcement was made at the closing keynote of Tech Ed South Africa, about two hours ago.

Congrats to all in the SQL Server team, all the developers, testers, managers and everyone else involved. You guys did an awesome job.

TechEd 2008 – Tuesday

Day two of TechEd sessions and the information deluge continues.

i ran two chalk and talk sessions today, both turned out better than i expected and I was very impressed with both the turn out and involvement of the people at the second. I’ll see if I can get related materials up later in the week.

Other sessions that I attended included a very impressive look at game development using XNA, WPF and Silverlight, with a bit of apache chucked in for good measure. The session was partially delivered by a presenter sitting in Seattle and partially by the presenter in the room. The slow internet access down in this end of the world showed, but not too much.


TechEd 2008 – Monday

So, today was the first full day of teched, and as usual, it felt like standing underneath an information waterfall. So much to see, learn and try to remember.

I started the day with Peter Willmot’s session on BI, specifically on cubes and how to present them to the users. Couple of cool sharepoint features, including reporting service web parts and the excel services. Since I committed to learning sharepoint, it’s interesting to see just how much integrates into it.


TechEd 2008 begins

So, TechEd South Africa started today. So far it’s been fun. As usual for the local TechEd events, the sunday was the opening keynote and a nice party. Some points that struck me during the keynote:

  • Microsoft is heavily pushing the virtualisation technologies, including Hyper-V
  • The application virtualisation looks fantastic for large corporations
  • Silverlight 2 looks very cool
  • Still no release date for SQL Server 2008

I have nothing particularly technical, just a couple pictures of the opening party.


Tech-Ed South Africa

There’s just two weeks left before the local Tech-Ed conference gets under way. For the first time, it’s not at the Suncity resort, but rather in the coastal city of Durban. I think it’s going to be quite awesome this year.

The final agenda was made available a few days ago and there’s a lot of very nice content. In fact, there are over 200 sessions being offered over the course of two and a half days on a wide variety of topics.

I’m doing two Chalk and Talk sessions:

  1. What to Watch – Finding Performance Problems Before the Users Do. Tuesday, 08:00
  2. Effective Indexing and Query Optimisation. Tuesday, 14:45

If any readers of this blog are going to be there, please come and introduce yourselves.

Looking forward

So yesterday I looked back on the half year gone. Today I’m going to look forward to the half year to come and set some goals for the next 6 months.

I’m doing this on the assumption that goals made public are more likely to be kept than goals told to no one. Even if no one’s going to hold me to the goals I set, the fact that I announced them to the world (or the small part of it that reads here) makes it more difficult to discard the goal.

So, what’s planned for the next 6 months?
